About Us
We provide prevention and re-entry services for all age groups. The philosophy of the Youngstown Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program (YUMADAOP) is that substance misuse prevention, treatment, and re entry interventions must be culturally and gender appropriate if the needs of the inner city communities are truly going to be addressed.
Our Mission
To prevent and reduce the misuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and other behavioral health issues across the lifespan by delivering innovative, culturally appropriate, evidence based prevention strategies.
Goal #2
To reduce incidences of interpersonal violence within our community.
YUMADAOP is state licensed with the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to operate an alcohol and drug addiction prevention program in accordance with Section 5122 of the Ohio Administrative Code. This distinction reflects YUMADAOP’s commitment to providing quality services for consumers. YUMADAOP is managed by Ohio Chemical Dependency Professional Board Ohio Certified Prevention Consultant personnel. All current prevention staff are certified at the ICPS, OCPC, OCPS, OCPSA or RA level.
YUMADAOP is a two time recipient of the Ohio Exemplary Prevention Program Award from the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS) in recognition of the quality of services provided to community members, and has received the prestigious honorable mention NIATx/SAAS iAward for innovation in behavioral health services. These awards reflect our commitment to workforce development and maintaining highly capable and qualified staff.
We are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clientele. We accomplish this through workforce development. All Agency employees at the ICPS, OCPC, OCPS, OCPSA, or RA level are required to receive ongoing education/training as a means of enhancing their professional competencies.